Gradle has an impact on a variety of groups/people. Their concerns and expectations mold Gradle's architecture. This section enumerates the important stakeholders and describes who they are.
We also provide information denoting each stakeholder's power over Gradle's architecture and their interest with regards to Gradle's development.
In order to visualize and quickly prioritize which stakeholder's concerns are most important, a Power-Interest Matrix is attached.
The below list is ordered in a descending order of which stakeholders we determine to be of the highest priority to Gradle.
Stakeholder |
Gradle Developers |
Plugin Developers |
Business Managers |
Project Developers |
Gradle Documentors |
Open Source Maintainers |
IDE Developers |
Development Tool Developers |
[1] Google is not specifically mentioned in the stakeholders document there are too many companies that use Gradle, we cannot enumerate all of them. Companies would also be Project Developers, Plugin Developers, etc... We kept the document more general, void of details such that it is both clear and concise.
Type: Developers, Maintainers, Assessors
(Power,Interest): (High, High)
Gradle Developers are people who contribute to the Gradle project on GitHub. These can be either from the community or hired by Gradle Inc.
The project must be developed by devs and prominent ones can be found on the GitHub page. The project is also working towards earning an OpenSSF badge which is self assessed.
Type: Maintainers
(Power/Interest): (High, Medium)
These developers contribute to the functionality of Gradle, not by directly contributing to the porject but isntead by creating Plugins that expand the types of tasks that Gradle can run.
Plugins are critical to the functioning of Gradle as critical functions are found in plugins including the ability to compile Java Projects. Gradle also supports a large number of plugins.
Type: Acquirers
(Power/Interest): (Very High, Low)
Business Managers are peope who manage teams of software development teams. These stakeholders may look to adopting Gradle as a build tool for their teams to streamline builds.
Gradle improves over other build tools in many aspects, notably performance. Gradle is also licensed under the Apache 2.0 License which allows the software to be used for free commercially. Business Managers are obviously of high importance since Gradle, Inc also develops and distributes an Enterprise version of Gradle with additional features.
Type: Users
(Power/Interest): (Medium - High, Low - High)
Project developers are the users of Gradle. They use Gradle in order to streamline the building of software projects.
The Gradle readme file quickly describes the benefits for developers to use Gradle "to support build automation". In addition the Kotlin website suggests and gives instruction on how to build Kotlin projects using Gradle.
Type: Communicators
(Power/Interest): (Medium, High)
Gradle Documentors are responsible for documenting the use of Gradle and providing tutorials on how the tool can be used. They act as a connection between Gradle devlopers and users of Gradle
Gradle has robust documentation that has information the majority of Gradle's functionality.
Type: System administrators
(Power/Interest): (Medium, High)
These stakeholders are those that oversee and manage open source projects. These stakeholders may have a special interest in Gradle as a way to ensure that the project builds and operates uniformly for all contributers and users that pull from the repository.
Gradle's main purpose is that of a build tool. Build tools are "A necessary precondition for continuous integration and continuous testing" which are crucial to Open Source development. Gradle is used in hundreds of large Open Source projects such as WorldEdit, the Kotlin Language, Android Ground, and FDroid.
Type: Production Engineers
(Power/Interest): (Low, Medium)
IDE developers create IDEs and may be interested in integrating Gradle as a build tool in their tools.
Gradle advertises that Gradle is supported in many popular IDEs as seen on their website. IDEs also advertise their functionality with Gradle (Eclipse website).
Type: Users
(Power/Interest): (Low, High)
These stakeholders build products using Gradle as their framework.
Several development tools outline methods to deploy their tools through using Gradle. Examples include Flyway, Quarkus, and Project Lombok.